Well there are many things I hate, but if I had to make a short list it would look something like this:
- People that refuse to discipline their children and then get mad when you do.
- People that feel entitled to everything just because they exist, without ever earning or deserving it.
- Family members that talk about you in a negative way but expect you to do them favors, all the time.
- Mothers that are too worried about their own needs and disregard those of their children.
- Children that expect you to buy their affection or attention.
- Parents who buy their children.
- Family members that mooch off of you and don't feel badly about it.
- Pet owners that chain up their pets and don't give them the attention they deserve.
- Parents that believe that they can control you until the day you die.
- Adults that will never consider you an adult or a woman until you have a child.
- People that believe they can drive after a certain age.
- Most female drivers in Puerto Rico.
- Family members that insist in calling me "La gringa."
- Neighbors that believe they can dictate what others do in their homes and properties.
- My Aunt Maribel
- When my cousin brings over his kids over to my house when he has visitation, and leaves them.
- Men that pay more attention to buying nice clothes, having a nice car and eating out then paying their child support.
- Politicians
- Being late
- Students that disrespect professor during a lecture type class.
- People that think they are smarter than everyone else.
- People that are smarter than me :)
- Most teenagers, unless I'm related to them or know them from church.
- Puerto Rico's constant power problems FOR NO REASON.
- Being too cold or too hot.
- When my dog sleeps on my hair and I wake up with a headache.
- My Aunt Maribel
- Not having more than 24 hours in a day.
- Not getting enough sleep before an important day.
- Men that believe it's okay to whistle at a female the way I whistle at my dog.
- Men that get obsessive, quickly.
- Men that have nicer hair than me.
- People that can not sing that insist they could be the next american idol.
- Songs that are played to death.
- People that constantly make Video Game or Movie references when speaking.

Here are some of my pet peeves.

- When people leave the lights on after they exit a room.
- People that eat pizza with a fork and a knife.
- Tongue clicking
- People with long nails that tap their nails on hard surfaces.
- Constant hair twirling and flipping.
- Teenagers.

I'll stop here because I'll just be nitpicking.

3/14/2013 02:32:25 am

I don't know if I understood correctly but I think you hate you Aunt Maribel? XD

Most of the things you hate are family and society related... Especially when men disrespect women, I'm with you there. The one with "Men that have nicer hair than me" made me laugh!! I'm constantly under attack!! And your pet peeves... I HAVE THEM ALL!!

3/14/2013 02:33:13 am

Ha! I too have some pretty strong hate driven relationships with family members, its the worst. And yes, parents that dont know how to take care of their kids are horrible, there is no reason why some strangers child should ever run up to you and pull your pants down (yes that's the voice of experience)

3/14/2013 02:34:48 am

Come on Yazmin.... give your Aunt Maribel a chance!!! I'm sorry about the hair twirling... I do it when I get nervous LOL

Carlos E. Lugo
3/14/2013 02:38:42 am

I agreed with you about the parents who want to continue the monarchy relation of domination. It make laughs the things about men and your aunt Maribel.


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