Growing up I was only exposed to 'Latin" music. In my parents desperate attempt for me to have some sense of my culture, I was restricted to the artists they liked such as Danny Rivera, Paloma San Basilio, Daniella Romo etc. When I started in middle school I started to have a little more freedom in what I could listen to, most likely my parents just gave up. That's when I discovered the wonderful world of R&B. My parents were not convinced since it was "black people" music but they just got used to it. Here are a few links to my favorites, oldies but goodies.

What can I say about Etta James? Her voice makes me melt each time I hear it. Her song "At Last" will be featured at my wedding. Here is a link to the legend herself singing "Ät Last." Unfortunately last year the world lost this beautiful artist to cancer, the BBC wrote this article about her recently.

This next singer makes me wish I was his daughter. The legendary Nat "King" Cole serenades like no other. Here is a link to "Unforgettable" performed by him and his daughter, Natalie Cole. More information about this artist can be found on his website.

Marvin Gaye performed songs that made people immediately want to repopulate the world. One of his most famous songs, "Let's Get It On," has been played for decades and I'm sure is still in the collections of many.

I rarely sing at the top of my lungs but when Aretha Franklin states spelling out RESPECT, I find myself with a sore throat for the rest of the day. Aretha is a legend and anyone that doesn't know who she is needs to come out from under their rock. A list of her performance dates can be found on her official website here.

Old school R&B is great but I have to admit when I'm driving by myself from Ponce to San Juan, I find myself playing the same CD, Boyz II Men. They were very popular when I was in upper elementary and middle school. "Motown Philly" was the first song of theirs I fell in love with. Although the group lost one member many years ago, the remaining members still perform and tour.

I have dreamt about being a super hero since I was a child and I still do, that hasn't changed much. What has changed is the power I would want to have. As a child I wanted to fly and have super speed. As an adult however my priorities have changed.

I want the ability to heal and regrow anything, like Claire from the TV show Heroes. Imagine never getting sick, breaking bones and they just heal quickly and best of all, not aging. I contemplated the whole never dying thing but I'm sure there are ways around that like in the show.
Since I was young I loved to climb trees, climb up cabinets and go on rollercoasters. I love anything extreme, and possibly lethal. With this ability I would be able to do all the crazy things I want to do without the worry of injury or survival. On a less selfish note, I would be able to donate blood and organs over and over again without problems, they just grow back. All around I think this power would be awesome and useful. 

Trivia time!
One of these statements is not true. Can you guess which?

1. I've worked as a production manager for a tv show here in Puerto Rico.
2. My backyard growing up was a maximum security prison.
3. When I was a child I used an occupied coffin as a sled.
4. When I entered college I wanted to be a geneticist.
5. I memorized all my families SSN, birthdates and telephone numbers.
6. I was born on the way to the hospital because my mother didn't want to leave without my father by her side.